Superiority of Man and the Danger on Natural Resources: Linkage between Human Activities and the Death of Natural Resources in Kenya-Juniper Publishers


Superiority of Man and the Danger on Natural Resources: Linkage between Human Activities and the Death of Natural Resources in Kenya

Authored by  George Ouma Ochola


There are various explanations which try to clarify the position occupied by man as an organism on the earth’s surface. Some scientific explanations have asserted that man evolved from primate beings and became a superior being overtime. On the other hand, the Biblical explanation provides the work done by the Supernatural Being in creating man on the sixth day and giving him dominion over all the birds of the air and other creatures on the earth’s surface and in the see (Genesis 1:28). According to this verse, God Himself blessed man and gave him power to increase in number, fill the earth and to subdue it. This did not stop there, man was given power to rule over other creatures such as fish in the sea, birds among other living creatures that move on the ground. This is what is provided by the Judeo-Christian Ethic. The dominion that was given to man has not been utilized appropriately. Many resources have been degraded and some species have been lost. The power to increase, fill and subdue the earth has not been sustainable. Man has considered himself so superior that other organisms are now threatened with extinction. Rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, forest ecosystems are now becoming endangered. Ironically, as man fails to consider these resources, he also endangers himself. This study was exploratory and used survey and document analysis to gather information. The findings of this study have revealed that the modern man digs his own grave by considering himself to be so superior and failing to take concern over other resources. The study therefore advocates for change of attitude among individuals for sustainable use of the available natural resources.

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