Living in the Rural Areas - Juniper Publishers

 Juniper Publishers-Open Access Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources

Living in the Rural Areas

Authored by Michael Padi


This article is to describe the kind of situations that rural people face, and things that needs to be known when living in such a condition. Snakes, scorpions, mosquitoes and ants are animals that are associated with rural dueling. Aside all these dangers life can be bearable if certain tactics are applied in daily livings. Dangers must be clearly pointed out so that rushing to the health posts must could avoided. Disputes sometimes become common in rural areas because of lack of police posts and duelers must learn how to avoid things that would invite law makers. Different plant species are fortunate to thrive in most rural areas and could be medicinal which would help rural duelers to live longer.

Keywords: Astronomical plants; Snake; Scorpion; Mosquito; Malaria


Living In the rural area is just living in or close to the bush, in the vicinities where different species of trees and other plants grow. Different animals like snake [1] and scorpions [2] are likely to be associated with this kind of environments. Lawlessness is another form of conditions that make life quite challenging in some of the rural areas, some can be violence and another could be corruption [3]. Scientific knowledge is needed to thrive in this kind of life style. Organisms and reptiles that could be deadly must be well known to rural duelers. Things like mosquitoes [4] and ants [5], look at how small they are, but are very dangerous to humans (Figures 1-5).

Life can be very uncomfortable living with these animals around, they can bite and kill. Their bites are very deadly if medical attention is not taken immediately. Successful rural duelers have developed their own scientific ways of coping with dangerous situations. Life styles that would make them to live longer lives were practiced but yet still some younger die at tender ages. Treatment of snake bite and scorpion stings is sometimes tackled at home. The affected limb is tied, and a cut is inflicted at the bitten spot for the poison to flow out with the blood and the patients get well. These animals live under stones, and in leaves and grasses; they can also hide in small holes around houses to cause danger to the inhabitants. It is very necessary to let children know that certain dangerous creeping animals exist and they must be avoided in every instance. These animals can find their way in to living rooms, sometimes through windows or doors.

Mosquitoes are some flies that not only the rural duelers must know about, but also the urban duelers. The best thing to do is to eliminate mosquitoes from your surrounding or protect yourselves from getting into direct contact with them. Malaria is a disease that one can get from mosquito bites, and can be very deadly. Most rural duelers had been killed from mosquito’s bite [6]. Mosquito nets are highly prescribed for people to sleep in at nights and all the time. It is also advised to be well protected at dawn and dusk because these are the times that mosquitoes become most active. Ants can also be very irritating, they can enter into ear or nose of people and that is what children must also know about. Ants are attracted to left over foods in the house and then pose threats to human dueling. They most of the time crawl on the ground, and on walls.

Surroundings must be kept clean; bushes close to the house must be cleared to scare reptiles and animals that cannot be easily seen. Holes close to the house could harbour rats and snakes so they must be destroyed. Certain hygiene tips must be practiced in order to prevent some diseases. Hands must be washed very often to reduce the contact duration with disease causing organisms with the human body. Rural dueling is said to have low population and so it is the place that disease transmission could have very low probabilities of transmission as compared to the cities that have very high populations. Close body contacts are known to be common in the cities than in the rural areas and if care is taken life could be longer in the rural areas.

Living in the village can be advantageous or disadvantageous depending on how it is lived. When the living in the rural area is backed by scientific principles then life becomes less hectic, roots and leaves that grow there can be medicinal and so that chemical poisoning that most people think of getting from drugs could be reduced or even be avoided. It is advised that herbs growing in the place of residence must be consumed in order to get the required energy from the sun that is required for a life living in that environment. Astronomical plants [7] are rich in energy production for the body in its local place of dueling so it is advised to consume them where ever they are available.

Materials and Methods

Visits were made to most rural and urban areas in Ghana, tried to mingle with them through conversations and talks. Gone to farm with them and ask questions. Questions that would not make the interviewee feel like less endeavored. Suggestions to solutions of what they feel to be problems were made and later they were reported to be very good suggestions. Advices on how to acquire weather information for their farms were also given. Pictures of dangerous reptiles and scorpions were shown to children in the villages, and how to avoid them for safety reasons. Talks were made on how uncomfortable mosquitoes can be; awareness was made on how mosquito is the cause of the deadly malaria disease and there is a need to eradicate the issue. Despite the fact they also have their means of tackling these problems, most rural duelers agreed to the preventive measures that they receive during the project. It is better to avoid the vicinities of dangerous animals than to look for cure when they strikes.

Results and Discussions

Rural dueling is most of the times associated with farming. Food crops, and livestock and poultry are mostly practiced. Some can combine both plant and animal farming while others depend on only one type of the farming. Sometimes people do all these without any analytical consultation but it was realized that if atmospheric knowledge is implored into activities, farm yield increases. The beginning of the raining season and the planting dates from the Meteorological Offices helps in doing things profitably. Description of daily weather and weather warnings must be made available to rural duelers because rain and windy conditions can break branches and pull down trees. People are advised to avoid taking shelters under trees and elevated structures whenever the weather is threatening to rain. It has been evident, when coconut trees caught fire during bad weather in Takper, Ghana during the early 21st Century. Scientifically it can be understood that the coconut leaves have very pointed tips that can attract atmospheric lightning than any other flat leaves.


It is suggested that the flow of information to rural duelers must be considered as paramount just like it will be for the urban dweller. Daily Weather information must be made available to inhabitants to configure the information into daily plans. It has been realized that rural settlements are associated with water bodies. Aircraft observation in Ghana, running from North to South showed settlements very close to rivers and ponds. Vast lands lie fallow in the North where there is no water and no settlements are found in those areas during the survey.


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