Land Degradation and its Management: A Review



Land is the essential component which provides us food, shelter, and fiber. It is non-renewable resource which is degraded day by day. Some major factors like climatic, natural and anthropogenic deteriorate quality of land and degraded it for agriculture use. Agriculture sector is directly linked with land while most of the agriculture land is degraded by some factors. Due to rapid changes in climatic conditions, deforestation, desertification, erosion, salinization, waterlogging, and organic matter depletion lead to land degradation. For restoration of land, it is important to minimize these activities and properly managed all factors. We can manage our land by ground covers, alternate fuels, timber replantation, dams and by making the policies. Furthermore, organic agriculture may be an alternative to save our land from degradation. The present review focuses on effect of land degradation on agriculture and environment; and how we can manage our lands from further degradation.

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