Mapping Deforestation and Forest Degradation Using CLASlite Approach (A Case Study from Maya Devi Collaborative Forest of Kapilvastu District, Nepal)



Mapping and monitoring of forest area suffering from deforestation and forest degradation using satellite images and remote sensing has been an achievable activity for the sustainable forest management and conservation. Mapping of disturbance and degradation of forest is gaining momentum through Remote Sensing despite, major challenges still exist. The present study was conducted to quantify the forest area of deforestation and degradation within the Maya Devi collaborative forest of Terai region located at Kapilvastu district of Nepal. This study based on the optical satellite data (Landsat 7 ETM of 2000 and Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS of 2016) and spectral un-mixing of these datasets which produced fractional cover (proportion of vegetation, non-photosynthetic vegetation and bare soil). Under the environment of CLASlite tools, mapping of damaged canopy, exposed soil and dead vegetation were produced. With the gap of 15 years two Landsat Image of 2000 and 2016 were processed to estimate. Results shows that the study area has 60% intact forest, 23% less degraded forest, 12% moderately degraded forest and 5% highly degraded forest. In sum, only 8.01 hectare of forest has been cleared and degraded. Finally, CLASlite approach based upon medium resolution satellite images and ground sample plots could practicable in order to monitor the forest degradation and deforestation.

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