Appraisal of Homo sapiens as a ‘Super Organism’:(IJESNR)- Juniper Publishers


Appraisal of Homo sapiens as a ‘Super Organism’

Authored by Kaufui Vincent Wong
Ants were proffered as a super organism by Wilson who pioneered the field of sociobiology. Homo sapiens are submitted as a potential ‘super organism’ of the solar system because we have higher standards to strive for before claiming that the status has been attained. The concept of ‘super organism’ is used figuratively, rather than literally. The resilience of the ants, and they’re not killing themselves, are two specific qualities that are being epitomized in the article. The ‘super organism’ status might be extended to an ideal for the purpose of focusing the proper reimagining of the purpose of human beings as a biological species in the order of the Universe. Conflict and the use of fire arms may be viewed as evolutionary consequences in the adaptation of human beings to acting positively as a single unified whole. Tolerance, compromise and even self-sacrifice/restrain are encouraged for the common good. The immediate goal for the individual is contentment and peaceful co-existence with others. The ultimate goal for the whole species could be to aspire to be a true ‘super organism’ of the planet Earth, then of the solar system. There is a constant threat of hunger or the lack of nutrition, which could become more severe with climate change. Lack of health and diseases remain threats.
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